Driving a truck is a long, hard job, but there are a lot of apps out there that can help trucking become something a bit more simple and pleasant. Here are five smart phone apps for truckers that seem to be the most popular.
1. Trucker Tools
This trucking app was designed for the iPhone and iPad. The free app provides the trucker everything he needs to know when on the road. Truckers can look up nearby fuel prices, truck washes, weather reports, rest areas and a long list of other items. There are also job listings, message boards, invoice options and more. This app is a great tool for any trucking job.
2. MyDAT Trucker
This Android app is an accurate truck stop locator that will give the trucker all of the information they need about each stop. They will get diesel prices, hotel services that are truck-friendly, scales and rest stops all on one app.
3. Smart Truck Route
This app helps truckers avoid bridges, road work, and other restricted areas. Truckers can download and view maps free and there are paid subscriptions that give them truck routes and free updates. Routes are guaranteed to be fast and truck-friendly and the overall operation of the app is very simple.
4. Cat Scale
This android app helps truckers access CAT Scale locations wherever they are. They can locate and save those locations so they do not have to waste time searching the roads later. The app will customize the search based on the current location and then add a map to help the trucker find the location quickly and easily.
5. Keep Truckin
This app is the #1 electronic logbook for truckers. Truckers can track their daily driver logs on their phones or tablets without having to pay anything at all. The electronic logs are easy to edit and offers an automatic alert if there are hours of service in violation of any guidelines. Truckers can view their work hours and decide how many hours they are available for the rest of the day and next week. The logs can then be emailed or faxed to the right company for free and truckers can keep as many logs as they want at once.
These apps make driving a truck much less complicated. Drivers can concentrate on the road knowing they will be able to log hours, find stops and get weighed with ease any time.