Trying to obtain commercial truck leasing when you have bad credit is difficult at best. Dealer programs have gotten stricter, independent financing companies have fallen off the planet, and banks stopped providing financing for truckers a long time ago. So what’s a trucker to do?
Capital Solutions has provided commercial truck leasing for bad credit since 1997. With no minimum credit score requirements we can work with all different types of credit issues while providing all the benefit of a commercial truck lease such as:
If your looking for semi truck leasing to grow your fleet or start a new business we can help. Just complete our online application or give us a call to discuss your situation. Getting approved for semi truck leasing isn’t impossible. We have helped 1,000’s of truckers get around their credit problems and grow their businesses. Plus we work with dealers all across the country to you can find the best deal for your next semi truck acquisition.
No Large Balloon Payments
Don’t confuse this with many of the truck leases that are through trucking companies. We hear many stories of truck “owners” paying on a truck for two or three years only to find out there is a very large payoff on the truck. This is not the case on our truck leasing program. This is a full payout lease. At the end of the term you own the truck free and clear. Enjoy the tax deduction of semi truck leasing with all the benefits of ownership.
Call Capital Solutions today so we can help you grow your trucking business. Don’t let past credit issues stop you from increasing your revenue.